

Flourish is a project aimed at promoting Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Currently it is just this web application developed by some dude in Australia.

How does it work?

Members contribute what they can every week into a shared pool, and that pool is then divided at the end of the week equally between all members of the group.

There is no minimum that members are required to give every week and anyone can join.

Distributions will occur every week on a Friday.

What happens for a distribution?

Every week on a Friday, the pool will be dividend equally between each member and distributed as a dividend.

Members will be notified by email when they have received a new dividend.

Members can then choose to either have the dividend paid out or can recontribute it back into the pool for the next distribution.

All unclaimed dividends will be automatically recontributed every Tuesday following a distribution.

Which members can receive dividends?

All members will recieve dividends as part of the weekly distributions once they create an account.

Members can also send contributions and receive pay outs once a PayPal.Me ID has been attached to their membership.

Receiving a dividend

Members will be notified via email when a new dividend has been issued.

Once issued, members can choose to have their dividend paid out or can recontribute their dividend towards the next week's pool.

In order to request a pay out, a PayPal.Me ID needs to be entered in the Membership section.

All dividends will be automatically recontributed back into the pool if not claimed by the Tuesday following a distribution.

Receiving a pay out

Dividends will be paid out to a member's PayPal account via the PayPal.Me ID attached to their membership.

Sending contributions

Contributions can be sent directly to the Flourish PayPal.Me.

In order for a contribution to be attached to a given membership, the email attached to the flourish account and the PayPal account must match.